




Portrait : Didier Wolff, embellisseur d’avions

Voici une histoire qui, à quelques jours des célébrations de Noël, pourrait presque ressembler à un conte : en 2009, Didier Wolff débarque aux Emirats avec un projet, celui de peindre des avions. Un an plus tard, l’idée que certains auraient pu juger farfelue a pris forme et rencontre un véritable succès.

Comment en êtes-vous arrivé à l’idée de peindre des avions ?
Je suis graphiste de formation et j’ai toujours été passionné d’illustration et de peinture. Après avoir passé un brevet et une licence de base de pilote d’avion à l’aéroclub d’Alsace j’ai tout naturellement associé ces deux domaines.
La découverte de certaines décorations extérieures de la compagnie British Airways dans les années 90 m’a donné envie d’aller plus loin dans ces tentatives demeurées trop timides à mon goût.
J’ai présenté certain de mes travaux à des professionnels de l’aviation lors du dernier salon du Bourget. Leurs retours ont confirmés mon intuition. Je me suis alors demandé comment progresser et me faire connaître et j’ai immédiatement été attiré par Dubai. Je n’avais pas de connaissances particulières de la région mais j’étais comme aimanté par les Emirats et Dubai.

C’est donc de façon presque hasardeuse que vous vous lancez à l’assaut du marché émirien ?
Malgré la puissance de mon intuition, lorsque je me suis décidé à venir il y a tout juste un an, en 2009, force était de constater qu’au bout d’une semaine sur place, ne parvenant pas à trouver de porte d’entrée, ni de contact, j’étais sur le point de renoncer. C’est alors que je me suis rendu au French Business Council (FBC), sur le conseil d’un ami. C’est véritablement ma rencontre avec le FBC qui a fortifié mon impulsion : la confirmation que j’étais au bon endroit, au bon moment. Le projet est véritablement né à ce moment-là. Sans attendre, je suis rentré en France, décidé de me donner tous les moyens pour lui donner vie.
J’ai contacté des ingénieurs en aéronautique (Aéroconseil à Toulouse) qui, convaincus par le potentiel et l’originalité de la démarche, m’ont permis de passer du concept à la réalisation. Ce précieux partenariat m’a permis aussi de valider techniquement mon projet.
En novembre 2009, j’ai exposé au Dubai Air Show où j’ai reçu un accueil magistral, les gens ont véritablement perçu mon activité comme quelque chose de nouveau. Aujourd’hui, tous les avions se ressemblent ; je propose donc de les personnaliser, de les différencier.
Les choses se sont enchaînées très rapidement : 3èmevisite à Dubaï, (exposition au Aircraft Interiors Middle East), salon « EBACE » de Genève, clients en Suisse et à Singapour. J’ai également des clients dans le secteur de l’aviation militaire, pour décorer des chasseurs lors d’événements prestigieux par exemple. Nous avons récemment signé un contrat avec Daher-Socata, avionneur et équipementier français qui fête son centenaire et dont nous décorons à cette occasion l’ensemble de la production du « TBM 850 » pour l’année 2011.
Concernant le marché des Emirats, certaines rencontres que j’avais faites lors de mes premières visites à Dubai se sont concrétisées. Je travaille sur plusieurs projets qui verront le jour pour les 40 ans du pays, en décembre 2011. Je me suis toujours senti accueilli aux Emirats, et je demeure fidèle au pays et à la région.

Concernant l’aspect technique, comment peint-on un avion ?
Je travaille avec un logiciel tridimensionnel. L’avion virtuel que je propose au client est exactement celui qu’il verra à l’échelle 1. Je fais 3 propositions au client, il choisit alors le graphisme dans lequel il va se reconnaître ; je décline le graphisme retenu en 3 autres variations. Lorsque la dernière des pistes sera validée par le client, elle sera finalisée. Ce graphisme est ensuite envoyé aux ingénieurs toulousains qui adaptent le dessin au plan constructeur et font en sorte que le graphisme respecte les normes de sécurité, comme par exemple la réflectance des portes ou les marquages techniques. Le design est certifié avant d’être appliqué. Ensuite ils produisent un paint kit – une sorte de pochoir géant – qui est remis aux peintres. Ce sont des peintres en aviation qui effectuent le travail ; l’appareil est alors immobilisé dans un hangar pendant 5 à 12 jours.

Que vous inspiraient les Emirats avant votre première visite sur place ?
J’ai beaucoup voyagé, avec une attirance particulière pour l’Afrique. Le Moyen-Orient est une extension naturelle de cette passion, c’est une civilisation issue du désert. Mon voyage au Moyen-Orient est une continuité logique dans ma quête esthétique. J’aime faire du business ici : il y a une certaine élégance dans les rapports humains. Les Emirats me semblent être un terrain fertile où il n’y a pas de limite ; le Burj Khalifa en est la démonstration.

Comment expliquez-vous justement cet aspect « sans limite » du pays ? Est-ce véritablement le pays de tous les possibles ?
Il y a un désir fondamental du pays : prendre sa place et marquer son temps de façon magistrale. Ici il y a des gens visionnaires qui se donnent les moyens d’être audacieux. L’orgueil, dans le sens noble du terme, y est forcément pour quelque chose.

Y a-t-il un esthétisme particulier au Moyen-Orient ?
Evidemment, un des éléments très apprécié est la calligraphie. Elle est particulièrement narrative visuellement et vient s’apposer sur certains de mes projets. L’or est l’une des couleurs recherchées. J’ai fait formuler récemment une peinture aviation composée d’or 24 carats qui plaît beaucoup à mes interlocuteurs Orientaux.

Comment s’annonce le futur pour vous ?
Nous sommes dans une courbe ascendante ; le marché commence à prendre en compte la nécessité d’identifier l’avion à la compagnie. Happy Design Studio (nom de l’entreprise) est maintenant reconnue dans le monde entier et est bien intégrée. On nous propose des avions et des challenges de plus en plus importants. L’année se clôt par une très bonne nouvelle pour nous : nous avons signé, la semaine dernière, un contrat pour customiser le Falcon 10 personnel d’Olivier Dassault.

Pour en savoir plus: Happy Design Studio :
Propos recueillis par Anouchka Sooriamoorthy







DAHER-SOCATA 2011 TBM 850 100th Anniversary Official Paint Scheme Features Happy Design Studio’s Original Livery

Didier WOLFF, owner & Designer of the company is proud to announce that Happy Design Studio has been chosen by DAHER-SOCATA for designing the company’s100th anniversary paint scheme livery of the TBM 850 model year 2011.
Amongst 40 different projects from different designers a jury made of DAHER-SOCATA customers and representatives has chosen the Livery created by Didier Wolff at the AirVenture Oshkosh Fair last July.
This unique design will be available with a large choice of 20 color options and is the official paint scheme of the TBM 850 for next year’s production line.
“It has been a gripping challenge to adapt the concept of the livery to the industrial production constraints and the final result is amazing on the TBM 850! This project is giving HAPPY DESIGN STUDIO a fantastic opportunity to work on more designs with constructors by taking into consideration at an early stage of creation the industrial inputs,” said Didier WOLFF, owner and designer of HAPPY DESIGN STUDIO. “We thank DAHER-SOCATA for this wonderful opportunity to work closely with an aircraft manufacturer to display creative ideas in the industrial world.”
“We’re glad to partner with Happy Design Studio, a young, creative and passionate French design studio and we’re looking forward seeing the actual result and the reaction of our customers.” stated Nicolas Chabbert, Senior Vice President of DAHER-SOCATA Airplane Division. “This TBM 850 model Year 2011 aims at highlighting our roots, which explain why the TBM 850 is reputed for the excellence of its manufacturing.” He concluded.
The first Model Year 2011 TBM 850 is already in the works and will be officially unveiled in February 2011. At the same time the design can be viewed on HAPPY DESIGN STUDIO’s website:







Happy Design Studio wins TBM 850 paint design competition

Tuesday, December 7, 2010 5:15 AM EST
By: David Donald
Happy Design Studio is forging a reputation for innovative and exciting aircraft paint schemes, highlighted by its recent win in a competition to design a new livery for the single-prop TBM 850 six-seater. The contest was launched in July by the TBM 850′s manufacturer, Daher-Socata, to create a new paint scheme to be introduced for 2011 production aircraft in celebration of the company’s 100th anniversary. Happy Design Studio, and its owner/designer Didier Wolff, scooped the prize in the face of some 40 competing designs. The new scheme will be available in 20 color options and will be unveiled officially in February.The small French business has attracted significant interest from many quarters, especially here in the Middle East. The company is the official partner for design at the Custom Jet Show, which was held last month at Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt, as part of the Avex international airshow.




Happy Design brings innovation to exteriors

By: David Donald
December 8, 2010

ging a reputation for innovative and exciting aircraft paint schemes, highlighted by its recent win in a competition to design a new livery for the single-prop TBM 850 six-seater.

The contest was launched in July by the TBM 850’s manufacturer, Daher-Socata, to create a new paint scheme to be introduced for 2011 production aircraft in celebration of the company’s 100th anniversary.

Happy Design Studio, and its owner/designer, Didier Wolff, scooped the prize in the face of some 40 competing designs. The new scheme will be available in 20 color options and will be unveiled officially in February.

The small French business has attracted significant interest from many quarters, especially here in the Middle East. The company is the official partner for design at the Custom Jet Show, which was held last month at Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt, as part of the Avex international airshow.








THE FOURTH edition of AVEX has brought some of the region’s most advanced, luxurious and aesthetically customised aircraft to Sharm El-Sheikh, where they competed to capture the Custom Jet Awards. Two aircraft won this year’s awards: Russian Petroff Air’s B737-JF7 which took the ‘Best customised Aircraft Interior’ award while the Bell helicopters 429 took the Best customised Aircraft Exterior award.
“The Custom Jet Awards honour outstanding achievements and breakthroughs in the fields of aircraft livery design, cabin experience and interior design,” explained Ibrahim Manaa, head of Egyptian Airports and Air Navigation Holding Company.” As demand for private aircraft increases in the region, so does the demand for designer interiors, in-flight entertainment, and other means of refurbishing aircraft,” he added. According to Manna, nominations were assessed by a panel of judges comprised of individual representatives from the fields of aviation interior and exterior design, in-flight entertainment and food and beverage. The short listed nominations for the Custom Jet Awards got free access to park their aircraft at the Custom Jet Exhibition. Airbus A318 Elite, Bombardier’s Challenger 300, Embraer’s Phenom 300excutive jet and Smart Aviation’s air ambulance were among the runners up for Best Iinteriors. Small planet’s Boeing 737-300, Smart Aviation’s Cessna Citation Sovereign C-680 and Petroff Air’s Boeing 737-7JF ran up for Best Exteriors Award.





Petroff Air’s BBJ wins inaugural Custom Jet Show Award

Private operator Petroff Air took the award for best customised aircraft interior for a privately owned Boeing 737-7JF, at the first ever Custom Jet Awards. The ceremony was held at the AVEX 2010 International Airshow in Egypt on 7 November 2010.

Dina Tkacheva, development director of Petroff Air, thanked partners such as Boeing and Greenpoint Technologies, who “moved back and forth between Russia and the US to realise this dream”.

The US$85 million jet is owned by a Russian businessman. Highlights include a dining table with folding leaves, six beige and olive recliners, and a 42in (106.7cm) LCD monitor. The master bedroom and bathroom includes a queen-size bed, dressers, wardrobes, and a shower stall with a transparent hinged door.

Meanwhile Bell Helicopter won the best customised livery design award for the Bell 429. The awards were provided by French livery specialist, Happy Design Studio. Each winner received a 1:100 scale model of Concorde covered with 450 real diamonds.














Petroff BBJ wins the Customised Aircraft award at Egyptian gala

Petroff Air, a private aircraft operator and management company, grabbed the award for “Best Customised Aircraft Interior” for its outstanding interior design of the privately owned Boeing 737-7JF during the Custom Jet Awards Ceremony.

Dina Tkacheva Development Director of Petroff Air, the winning aircraft operator and management company, said that “winning the award of Best Customized Aircraft Interior is a great achievement and well deserved.”

The winners were presentyed with a diamond-encrusted trophy presented by Happy Design Studio of France. Tkacheva said that the entire team contributed; “we put our heart and soul and time in”, she said. She referred to partners such as Boeing and Greenpoint Technologies “who changed their life style for us and moved back and forth between Russia and the US to realize this dream.”

Tkacheva also explained that the $85-million customized jet is owned by a Russian businessman who just gave them “the broad outlines of his dream interior design and the whole team worked on putting together the best of everything.” Held on the sidelines of the AVEX 2010 International Airshow, the Custom Jet Show honoured outstanding achievements and breakthroughs in the categories of Aircraft Interior and Livery Design. The show brought some of the region ? s most advanced, luxurious and aesthetically customized aircraft to Sharm El-Sheikh International Airport displaying small to mid-sized customized aircraft.

The award of “Best Customized Aircraft Interior” recognizes the best of in-flight cabin comforts, entertainment and overall experience. The category awards the aircraft that has it all when it comes to enhancing the cabin experience of passengers. The Boeing 737-7JF aircraft is a cosy and elegant flying house. A dinning/conference area includes a dining table with folding leaves. There are six single beige and olive colour recliners for the customer ? s comfort and a 42-inch LCD monitor; a guest room follows the video and entertainment system. The side-ledge contains a pop-up 20 inch LCD monitor. The master bedroom and lavatory include a queen-size bed and headboard, nightstands, dressers, wardrobes, credenza, closets, another LCD monitor and a shower stall with a transparent hinged door. As one of the five-member jury-panel put it; “this is what I want to be used to” is what comes to mind when one is onboard this aircraft.

Among other nominees for this category were Airbus A318 Elite, Bell Helicopter’s 429, Bombardier ? s Challenger 300, Embraer ? s Phenom 300 executive jet, and Smart Aviation’s air ambulance.

According to Jill Samuelson, managing director of the European Helicopter magazine and one of the jurors, it was not an easy pick. “It was not an easy decision. They all have characteristics that we thought valuable and distinguished but based on the spirit of the Custom Jet Show this was the one that fit.” Bell Helicopter, a Textron Company grabbed the award for the “Best Customised Livery Design.”

This award recognizes the most outstanding livery design on an aircraft at the Custom Jet Show on the creative and modern use of design elements, colour usage and overall paint scheme. Among the nominees were Small Planet ‘s Boeing 737-300, Petroff Air ‘ s Boeing 737-7JF and Smart Aviation’s Cessna Citation Sovereign C-680. “I think with the livery design category we had a lot of choices; looking at a commercial airline, a helicopter company, an air ambulance. We had to look at what was best fitted to reach the clientele it was aimed at; and I think accordingly the helicopter was a great design that worked very well,” said Richard Maslen, Deputy Editor of Airliner World magazine and another member of the jury-panel.

The awards were offered by the French studio: Happy Design. Each winner received a night blue 1:100 scale model of the Concorde covered with 450 real diamonds. A French jeweller set the diamonds by hand and gave the trophies a diamond value of 1 carat per trophy. They are arranged in such a way to create a Milky Way livery for each trophy. Taking a plain vanilla aircraft and personalizing them to cater to their owner ‘ s or user ‘ s every whim is an emerging trend in the Middle East and North Africa region ‘ s private and executive aviation markets . So high is the demand that the industry has rapidly grown in size and scope and spans a range of sectors, from bespoke interiors and personalized liveries, in-flight entertainment and onboard connectivity, to fully equipped bathrooms and kitchens with the capacity to prepare restaurant quality food in-flight. The Custom Jet Show and Awards have been envisioned keeping this multi-billion dollar industry in mind. “The Custom Jet Show is a great opportunity and an excellent mix that covers the entire industry including helicopters, commercial and executive airliners in one place,” said Malson. “We have uncovered a high degree of enthusiasm from business jet owners and operators who want to showcase their customized aircraft and learn more about what has become an entire industry sector dedicated to refurbishing and customizing aircraft interiors as well as exteriors, said Nicholas Watson, AVEX International Air show director.














Happy Design Studio design diamond encrusted trophies for AVEX

Happy Design Studio, the French studio designing original and tailor-made liveries for aircraft, helicopters and yachts, has created Aviations most prestigious and sought after Trophies.

Two winners of different categories of the Custom Jet Show, which takes place during AVEX, Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt, will each receive the first ever of these custom designed Trophies. Each Trophy will be a Night Blue 1:100 scale model of Concorde covered with 450 real Diamonds. The Diamonds are going to be set by hand by a jeweller and will give the Trophies a Diamond value of 1 carat per Trophy. The Diamonds will be arranged to create a Milky Way livery for each Trophy. The two Trophies are to be presented to the owners of aircraft in Best Customised Livery Design and in the Best Inflight Entertainment Categories. In addition to the Diamond encrusted Trophies the winner of the Best Inflight Entertainment Category will also receive an aircraft livery design from Happy Design Studio. Didier Wolff of Happy Design Studio said: “At Happy Design Studio we are always working to create outstanding designs and aircraft liveries, so we wanted to create a Trophy that reflects our work and will really stand out from anything else. Just like our aircraft livery designs these Trophies are unique, I am proud to have the opportunity to present these Trophies at the Custom Jet Show Awards during AVEX.” The Trophies from Happy Design Studios are to be unveiled during the glittering awards ceremony that will take place on 7th November.





Top manufacturers heading for AVEX

Arabian Aerospace / Issue 4 / vol.2 Nov 2010-Jan 2011

The final touches are being put together for AVEX – the key show for North Africa – which takes place in Sharm El Sheickh from November 7-10. With many of the leading manufacturers including Boeing, Airbus, Cessna, Gulfstream and Bombardier all bringing aircraft, there will plenty to see over the four days. There is a large emphasis on business and private aviation and running alongside AVEX is an event for people who want their aircraft to be just a little bit different.
The Custom Jet Show is the region’s ultimate exhibition for customised aircraft. As demand for private aircraft increases in the region, so does the demand for designer interiors, personalised liveries, in flight entertainment, and other means of refurbishing aircraft according to the owner’s requirements and tastes.
The show brings some of the region’s most advanced, luxurious and aesthetically customised aircraft to Sharm El Sheickh International Airport and this year will feature the Aircraft Livery Prize in partnership with Happy Design Studio. Winner will receive fre livery consultation services by Happy Design Studio’s design experts. The awards ceremony take place on November 8-2010 at the Grand Rotanna Hotel.



Happy Design Studio prepare to set new standards in aircraft livery design

The company is offering two aircraft livery designs as prizes to the winners of two categories at the forthcoming Custom Jet Show. This takes place during the AVEX International Airshow in Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt from November 7 th to 11 th . The studio has already displayed examples of their work at AIME, DUBAI AIR SHOW, EBACE and other events in the international aerospace calendar. The Custom Jet Show is the ultimate display of customised aircraft, it is anticipated that some of the world’s most advanced, exotic and innovative aircraft will be on display and showcasing the pinnacle in interior design, personalised liveries, in-flight entertainment and other means of refurbishing aircraft according to the aircraft owners requirements and tastes. Happy Design Studios will create custom designed liveries for the aircraft that win the categories for the Best In-flight Entertainment System for Commercial Aircraft and the Best In-flight Entertainment System for Private/Executive Aircraft, ensuring that these aircraft have the ultimate technology, so that the exterior matches the interior creating the ultimate aircraft. Speaking about the decision to award two custom liveries to the winning aircraft Didier Wolff of Happy Design Studio said: “ Happy Design Studio is always seeking to deliver the ultimate in aircraft livery design, therefore it is only natural that we should work with aircraft that have the ultimate interior. The winners in each of the two categories can be assured that Happy Design Studios will provide them with a livery that surpasses their expectations. We look forward to participating in this highly creative an innovative event.”









 AUGUST 2010


 MAY 2010


 MAY 2010


APRIL 2010


 MARCH 2010


How to make a military jet Happy and bright…

One company making a colorfoul impact at AIME was Happy Design Studio. The French company has the creative ability to make an aircraft stand out from the rest visually. And Saudi-based aircraft engineering consultancy Arabian Jets plans just that as it signed an exclusive agreement with Happy to work on unique designs for military jets.
The French company was set up by Didier Wolff eight years ago. He started of designing surf boards until he decided to combine his creative skills with his passion for aviation a year back.
“In 1998 I learnt to fly a single-engine aircraft so, being able to personalise and customise aircraft with my design skills is a great joy for me,” said Wolff.
“I can customize commercial airlines, private and military aircraft. The external decoration of a private jet is dependent on the owner’s desire te reveal an aspect of his personnality or to impose his company’s character or image. Customer can leave the design ideas to me or have their own ideas but, either way, I always have a good understanding with them”.
Wolff works alongside engineering company Aeroconseil to ensure that EASA rules are applied to the engineering drawings and certification dossier. Wolff was at AIME following the success of his launch at the Dubai Air Show last year.

 MARCH 2010


Didier Wolff. L’aviation Moyen-Orientale à portée de pinceaux

À force de persévérance, Didier Wolff concrétise avec Happy design studio un projet de relooking de fuselages d’avions.

Le créateur Formé à l’École Supérieure des Arts Décoratifs de Strasbourg, Didier Wolff est un touche-à-tout. Porté par une détermination sans faille, profondément altruiste, l’homme s’est investi dans l’humanitaire, la photographie, et a beaucoup voyagé, en Afrique notamment.

La genèse

L’idée de travailler pour l’aéronautique, en indépendant, dans la décoration de fuselages d’avions de ligne et jets privés et l’identité visuelle de compagnies, germe à la fin des années 90 alors qu’il se passionne pour le pilotage loisir. Il frappe à plusieurs portes, suscite l’intérêt, sans parvenir à concrétiser son projet.


Un long parcours semé d’embûches et de désillusions, qui abouti à un voyage, «celui de la dernière chance», à Dubaï, convaincu de trouver au Moyen-Orient des interlocuteurs plus enclins à lui donner sa chance. Là-bas, un long entretien avec une personne du French Business Council le convainc du potentiel de son idée. À son retour, il peaufine ses outils de conception 3D, définit ses conditions générales de vente et s’adjoint les compétences techniques d’un cabinet d’ingénierie de référence dans le monde de l’aéronautique, Aéroconseil. Il casse enfin la tirelire pour bénéficier d’un stand au très couru salon de l’aviation moyen-oriental, le Dubaï Air Show, en novembre. «J’y ai reçu un accueil phénoménal. La compagnie Arabian Jet s’est montrée particulièrement intéressée. Elle vient de nous proposer de rentrer dans son consortium de sous-traitants. Ce partenariat nous ouvre les portes du Moyen-Orient, aux côtés d’un acteur de référence».

Les perspectives

D’auto-entreprise, il devient urgent qu’Happy design studio se structure en société. Didier Wolff ambitionne de devenir «l’acteur incontournable de la décoration d’avions». Il a déjà quelques commandes à honorer et envisage à terme de personnaliser un à deux avions par mois. Des négociations sont en cours avec des fabricants de peinture pour développer une gamme de teintes originales.

 MARCH 2010


French firm signs deal with Arabian jets

By Staff Writer
Published Tuesday, March 02, 2010
Happy Design Studio (HDS) of France has signed a business alliance agreement with Saudi Arabia-based Arabian Jets to jointly deliver customised aviation designs in the Middle East.
The deal was signed during Aviation Week on Sunday at the Dubai Airport Expo. HDS is a specialist aerospace design firm that paints and decorates aircraft.
Anas M Rayes, President of Arabian Jets, said: “We have signed the deal and expect to tap the government sector as well as private players who want to give a signature look to theirplanes.”



Happy Design Studio signs alliance agreement with Saudi Arabian jets

Dubai, UAE. 28 February 2010 – Private business jet, military aircraft and yacht owners now have the opportunity of stamping their own style on their craft through the Alliance of Arabian Jets and Happy Design Studio of France. The agreement was signed today during Aircraft Interiors Middle East (AIME) show, at Dubai’s Airport Expo. Anas Rayes, President of Arabian Jets, commented: “We are very pleased to enter into a partnership with Happy Design Studio. Didier’s style is a mix of scientific design and oriental colour schemes and we found that they were very favourable to our clients.” Arabian Jets is a premier aircraft engineering consultancy operating in the MENA region, with offices in Jeddah, Amman, Beirut and Cairo. The company boasts over 30 years’ experience in aviation affairs including aircraft management, engineering and maintenance services, pilot training management and human capital building. Arabian Jets provides operational and logistical support worldwide to all sectors of aviation, from airlines to single aircraft owners. Didier Wolff of Happy Design Studio said: “We are both looking forward to developing a strong working relationship that will enable us to achieve exiting and innovative aircraft and yacht designs for our clients.” Happy Design Studio designs customised liveries and visual identity, in line with the aircraft manufacturer’s recommendations. Company owner, Didier Wolff, is a graduate of the Art Decorative School of Strasbourg and, with his passion for design, his studio has been privileged to design aircraft for quite a number of business jet owners. For further information, visit and -Ends- © Press Release



AIME 2010 : France plays major role in regional interiors market
Posted on 26 February 2010 in Aircraft Interiors

Ten well known French companies will be participating at AIME 2010 under the auspices of the France Pavilion, when the show opens at Dubai Airport Expo on Sunday.

With 147 sq. metres it’s the biggest national pavilion of the two shows (AIME and MRO Middle East) that makes up the first part of Aerospace week. The pavilion is supported by Aerospace Valley; a world competitiveness Cluster in Aeronautics, space, and Embedded systems located in South-west of France. The Chamber of Commerce (CCI) of Pau is a regular operator on the Air shows in Dubaï (French delegations to the Dubai Air show in 2007 and 2009, French Pavilion in June 2008 for the maiden show of AIME) with the support of the French ministry for Foreign Trade. The CCI supports the SME’s in international trade on the booming market of the Emirates. “Widely acknowledged for the quality of the equipment it produces, France will be relying on the diversity in its participants to show the multiple facets of its know-how,” a spokesman for the French embassy in Abu Dhabi said. “This participation demonstrates the interest shown by the French companies and industry for the Middle East. AIME 2010 is now considered one of the most important exhibitions in the aeronautical sector for the French industry in the Middle East. Widely acknowledged for the quality of the equipment it produces, the aim of the French companies in this important field is to, reinforce professional contacts and provide new business opportunities between the French companies and the U.A.E. market as well as other Gulf and Middle East countries,” The spokesman added.

The 10 French companies on display are :

Adhetec : Supplies AC paint shops, cabin refurbishment, workshops and structural repair stations with an extensive range of self-adhesive products.

Air Cost Control : is an airbus electrical parts specialist and worldwide supplier to the aerospace industry. Sleeving and protection, wire and cable, relays etc…His local liaison officer is based at the Dubai Airport FZ.

EADS SOGERMA: Develops and manufactures a diverse range of state-of the-art and innovative first and Business Class seats for all Airbus and Boeing long range aircraft. They will launch on AIME a brandnew product, press conference on 28th at 11:30 on the French pavilion.

Happy Design Studio France : Specialist in painting and decoration aircrafts with customised and individual design for all taste.

JCB AERO SA : JCB is a PART 21G and PART 145 approved company specialised in VIP cabinetry. The company designs, manufactures and installs VIP monuments from stowage’s to galleys. Provide complete solutions for VIP rooms, such as bathrooms and bedrooms.

Laselec SA : Design, manufacturing and sale of UV laser wire marking machines. Offers a comprehensive line of wire marking, cutting and traceability systems, which covers every production need. World leader and only French manufacturer.

MAPAERO Aerospace coating: specialist in paints for Aerospace; exterior, structure, special paints and approved products for Cabin Interior.

PSA : Specialist in hygiene products including disinfectants and cleaners for all aircraft interior applications are recognized by more than 150 airlines and overhaul centres.
All products are non-flammable, solvent free, ecologically friendly taking into consideration employee health and safety and the environment.

Schneller : is the global leader in the development and manufacture of engineered custom decorative laminates and non-textile flooring solutions for the transportation industry.

SDV : It’s a major player in the global supply chain Offers leading services such as production, procurement, support, customs and compliance.



AIME 2010: Happy is pleased with Saudi deal

Happy Design Studio signed an agreement with Saudi ‘s Arabian Jets yesterday at the show. The French design company which conceives and customises liveries, visual identity will be making Arabian Jets stand out from the rest with its own unique designs. “I am very excited to work with Arabian Jets and realise our achievements together,” says Didier Wolff who set up Happy Design eight years ago. Arabian Jets is a premier aircraft engineering consultancy operating in the MENA region with its offices in Jeddah, Amman, and Beirut and Cairo. “This region is important to us as there are so many private owners. Also, as a designer it is exciting as there is more scope for design and creativity,” says Wolff. Posted on 1 March 2010 in Aircraft Interiors



