DESIGN © Copyright Didier WOLFF / Happy Design Studio
Following the discovery of the ACJ TwoTwenty, Didier Wolff, CEO and designer of Happy Design Studio, imagined a particularly striking livery, highlighting the energy and exceptional performance of the aircraft launched by Airbus Corporate Jets (ACJ) in 2021. The livery is built on four diagonal black power lines that rest firmly on the front curvature of the ACJ’s karman like a framework. On these lines dominates a transverse black surface that cuts the cockpit frontally. As for the colors, five shades of green and a light blue guide the eye towards the centerboard and unify the general perception of the livery. If for the moment, it is not a partnership between the designer and the European manufacturer, Didier Wolff believes that it is “a first step on a personal basis to show the design possibilities on the ACJ TwoTwenty, which turns out to be an aircraft with curves and a particularly inspiring design“. For his customers who wish, other color variations will be available on this basis.
Suite à la découverte de l’ACJ TwoTwenty sur le tarmac du dernier Dubai Air Show, Didier WOLFF, CEO et designer de HAPPY DESIGN STUDIO, a imaginé une livrée particulièrement percutante, mettant en valeur l’énergie naturelle et les performances exceptionnelles de ce nouvel avion. Cette livrée est bâtie sur quatre lignes de force noires en diagonales qui, comme une charpente, reposent solidement sur la courbure avant du ventre mou de l’ACJ. Sur ces lignes repose une surface noire transversale qui coupe le cockpit frontalement. Quant aux couleurs, cinq nuances de vert et un bleu clair guident l’oeil vers la dérive et unifient ainsi la perception générale de la livrée. Pour les clients d’AIRBUS CORPORATE JETS qui le souhaitent, d’autres variations de couleurs seront disponibles selon cette base.

Transportation / Aircraft / Aerospace