Painting Guidance
Season 16

Painting Guidance
Season 15

Painting Guidance Service / Scale 1

The buyer will mandate HDS to provide the selected paint shop.
According the location of your aircraft on the Planet, I will guide the painting team until the delivery of the aircraft already customized.

No place for good enough
It is important to work with the right paint shop, “Some of them are excellent and will support you in every way they can to realize your vision; others do not have a very good professional conscience : One paint shop once told me, ‘you want the exact same design on both the port and the starboard side of the aircraft, but it is impossible for anyone to see both of them at the same time.- I cannot accept that kind of attitude. 

As a musical instrument is tuned with the ear and by strict rules, I grant my designs in the same way.  Aware that the outcome must be the result of a totally mastered three-dimensional vision. Without this absolute will and without this obligation of result, then a design, a personalization, can be a total dissonance for the eye and a nightmare for the memory. It is often too late when you realize it. Indeed, and because it is a sort of conditioned reflex, most of these aircraft designs are entrusted to communications agencies that treat this subject as any other form of packaging.

My intricate designs require complete precision. Whether the aircraft is a Cessna or a large Airbus, the tolerance for error is just one millimeter. When I design a livery, I do consider the work for the paint shop, but sometimes I want to work without having a full idea about how I will apply the design to the aircraft. In such cases, it is important to work with a team you can trust to help you find the solution to challenges.


Olivier Dassault (1951 – 2021)
Président du conseil de surveillance du groupe Dassault. Député, Pilote, Photographe.

Stefan Schulz
Vorarbeiter / Flugzeugglackierer
MRO Paint

RUAG Aerospace Services GmbH


“Thermidor”, F-HAOD, the Falcon 900 EX of Mr Olivier Dassault / Paris le Bourget