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Much rarer than airplanes or helicopters, Airships can be seen at major international events or in wealthy countries such as the United Arab Emirates.

True vectors of the image of their owners or the brands that own them, Zeppelins, uncommon and only occasionally seen, often act as giant advertising hoardings floating in the sky. Not very useful or efficient for getting around, it’s vital that the exterior is finely thought out and emphasized to convey the image intended by its owner.

Zeppelin’s exterior design « Spirit of the Emirates », is a unique way of conveying a brand’s image, thanks to a unique and innovative design, striking colors and the expertise of a designer like Didier Wolff.

Whether you own a Zeppelin or any other aircraft, or would simply like to talk to Didier Wolff, don’t hesitate to get in touch via the contact page.

Didier WOLFF
Designer & Founder of Happy Design Studio